How To Use Laziness, The Super Power of Artist, Entrepreneurs, and Athletes and The Most Productive People On The Planet. ( Plus two experiments you can use right now to prove it to yourself… )

Emeric Damian
3 min readMar 14, 2019

I’m always blazing through thoughts and ideas, questioning what passes for common sense, or a sense of some kind.

Laziness my good friend, whom I wish to introduce to you, but only for a moment to instigate a break from the bashing and smear campaign that’s been thrown upon the truth.

The non-manifesto: Laziness is a virtue and value that the artist, entrepreneur, and athlete know well. Each for their particular reasons, each for the power that laziness unleashes, freedom and control of time and space.

Laziness is not relaxing; relaxing is relaxing.

Laziness is not sloth; sloth is fattening.

Laziness, in its true form, is at the root of almost every mechanical creation, every manifestation of optimization.

More nonsense is necessary for the moment to make a point.

The true lazy man, the true lazy woman understands that laziness brings a rich life.

Here’s how laziness actually works in it’s pure form:

  1. You don’t waste time on things that our non-essential for you.
  2. You choose the most efficient way to create what you wish.
  3. You work with people, information, or whatever it maybe, so that you can skip all the mess, as much as you can.
  4. You value your time and thus will not waste your life on things that don’t bring you fulfillment and joy. { fulfillment and joy may include working long and hard for extended periods of time, as it often does }.
  5. You don’t hack because hacking is a word to sell you more gunk; you are lazy so you know that it’s a waste of your time and resources. Besides you are already fabulous at truth ‘hacking’. You are lazy after all.
  6. You love and appreciate results and the process of creating results with ease and effort.
  7. Delegation, dropping work into other’s laps, is high value work for you.
  8. You already know. You know… You could add to this list because you know.

How do you know if you are failing to be lazy?

You waste your days, evenings, and nights doing things you don’t want to do so to do things you don’t want to do.

It’s a cycle, and it doesn’t leave you feeling good.

You probably watch a lot of television and don’t feel good about it.

You are busy, busy, busy and it doesn’t feel good and you aren’t seeing the experiences, the creations, and the contributions come to life as you wish they would.

Unfortunately you are probably also taking part in this craze I wrote about in another piece on the Maniac Machine That Is Social Media.

The lazy, focus better than anyone else I know.

They are masters of using their time and energy as they choose.

This is very frustrating for those who are busy being busy, because the lazy don’t have time for gossip, for wasted efforts, and idle chatter.

Lazy people don’t want to waste their energy protecting their minds and time, so they simply opt out of doing what everyone else is doing, so they can do what they want to do.

It’s a strange paradox that many people fail to grasp.

Two Questions: Experiments To Test The Laziness Hypothesis:

  • In what area of your life could you use laziness to create what you want faster and with greater ease?
  • What will you eliminate from your life so that you can fully express your innate laziness?

If you are struggling to be lazy, you are not alone.

It’s a challenge and a practice…

Keep at it.

And if you need support…

Well, I am around, however, let’s not waste each other’s time, unless you are willing to pay homage to the truth about laziness and the power it has to transform your life.

With love,

Emeric Damian

P.S. You can follow the adventure here …



Emeric Damian
Emeric Damian

Written by Emeric Damian

Maybe I dream a little too much; maybe I don’t dream quite enough. Dreaming myself awake…

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